The use of concrete wallboard machines and floor machines has reduced labor and material costs.After the birth of the new floor slab machine, it is widely used in the daily building process. It not only saves the time cost in the building process, but also greatly reduces the labor and material cost of the temporary casting. When making a new type of floor slab, we need to use a new type of floor slab machine. Perhaps this new type of floor slab machine that has just been born, many people will feel unfamiliar with it, not to mention some existing potential safety hazards, it is necessary to know about these things.

Whether it is ordinary floor machine, or new floor machine, the plate machine power line in the fine red copper wire must be qualified, in the installation of machinery, but also need to set a good leakage protection measures to prevent leakage. In every day before using the floor machine, to do a good job on the machinery of all kinds of inspection, especially safety precautions, to see whether the surrounding environment is messy steel or damp, this can ensure that the environment is clean and dry. Also need to ask the installation of machinery staff: related operational matters, ready to install floor warehouse, can not be too close to the workers, so as not to hurt people. Do a good job of maintenance and maintenance. Perhaps this new floor machine is larger, pay attention to the surrounding other equipment, do not interfere with each other, immediately cut off power after use.

These are about the new floor machine in the installation, use and after the use of some precautions, but also must understand and know, to avoid future use of more trouble.